Phi Long

How to Have Fun in Recovery: 6 Sober Activities

fun sober activities

In sobriety, you get to experience true fun, joy, and excitement, in a myriad of ways. To start building a better relationship with ourselves, we can try to be more intentional about how and when we drink—or don’t. I know I am trying to after this hellscape of a year. Wherever you are on the spectrum of sobriety, know that you’re not alone. No matter your reason (pregnancy, mental health, don’t like the taste, or otherwise!), I hope you understand that your experiences are valid.

Addictions Counselor

fun sober activities

It can also cause you to lose touch with the little pleasures in life. Simple things like taking time to be by yourself and read a good book often get replaced with long nights out at bars, or parties. There are so many fun things that you and your friends can get together to do that don’t need to involve alcohol or drugs. Once you open up your mind to having fun with friends in a sober environment, you will wonder why you ever felt the need to drink or use to have fun.

fun sober activities

Sober Things to Do at Night

Start planning that bucket list trip, including a savings plan to make it happen. If you live in a big city, take a day trip to the closest forest preserve or explore urban hikes in your area. If you’re working with limited sober house dorchester ma space, start a windowsill herb garden. Imagine that new dish you’ve been working on with fresh basil. When it’s time to host that dinner party, you’ll be ready to impress. You don’t need to join your local CrossFit gym.

Support Group: Navigating long-term sobriety together

fun sober activities

You may not know or recall how to live a life that does not include drug or alcohol use. Participating in allows you to have a rich, full life and fills up the time that used to be spent feeding your addiction. Consider planning a sober gathering if your previous events and holidays involved drugs or alcohol.

Put together a playlist, turn on a disco light, and grab your dancing shoes. Explore a new area of town and meet folks through Meetup’s sober activities in your city. Or, host brunch at your home with elaborate fixings.

Learn a new language

  • Below, discover 29 of the best things to do instead of drinking alcohol.
  • Many local attractions and restaurants will extend their hours during the summer, so you can feel free to take your time and soak up the day.
  • This is a great hobby to do solo, or hop online and connect with friends and new people!
  • Whether it’s for pilates, yoga, pole fitness, or even belly dancing, there are so many different studio classes to try out.
  • Midnight snacks, mocktails, and a night of fun and laughter with friends.

Go ahead, be a tourist for the day and learn something new about your town. Try out a cooking, craft, or home improvement class offered by a local retailer. Or learn on your own by watching YouTube ‘how-to’ videos.

fun sober activities

Sign up to learn more

The benefits of these sober activities exist well outside the realm of esoteric relaxation. These techniques are used today to treat such illnesses as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Weekends can be particularly tough, when two consecutive days with extra time can seem like an incoming wave too big for your newly abstinent body to surf. Many cities host live music events or shows.

  • Need more inspiration or looking for ways to connects and share a new hobby?
  • Camping is a perfect way to break away from the busy world, be present with friends and loved ones, and reconnect with nature.
  • Soon, we’re reaching for another glass or can.
  • Hot baths are another stellar self-care tool to help you feel your best.
  • If you’re a big reader and want to find a book club to join, keep that in mind as you make your choice.

Client Care Manager

  • Challenge yourself, and even if you’re not a virtuoso with a paintbrush, you’ll at least have something checked off your bucket list.
  • Or, cull down your food waste and toss your veggie scraps and ends into the freezer, then make a stock!
  • Spend a day living the life you strive to reach, and the positive feelings will help you hit your goals.
  • Sometimes spending time with yourself is just as good.
  • Take a creative writing workshop, or organize a writing group of your own.

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