Phi Long

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Quitting Alcohol

alcohol free lifestyle

I have friends that still drink alcohol and I have new friends that don’t. Getting sober was a lonely journey at first, but finding community a single dose of kudzu extract reduces alcohol consumption in a binge drinking paradigm has made all the difference. As a sobriety coach, I often notice my clients experience positive career changes as they cut out drinking.

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But if, like me, your habit has left you with a headache, a sluggish feeling, or just a desire to spend money elsewhere in your budget, it might be worth reevaluating if alcohol has a place in your life. Or maybe it’s not the center of your social interactions as it once was. If you drink in excess, cutting out alcohol for a period of time can help your liver, heart, and body composition.

Improve sleep

As a working professional, it’s crucial to prioritize your mental health to excel in your career and maintain a fulfilling personal life. Let’s cultivate a healthy work-life balance so you can thrive in your professional journey. Thank you for listening to this episode of The Hello Someday Podcast.

Personal Benefits of Being Alcohol-Free

Let’s embark on a journey to foster mental well-being without the need for alcohol, using unconventional ideas to uplift and empower. And they’re so nervous of doing that, that it makes them not quit, as it were. But what is almost always the case is that, once you actually get through that hard bit and focus just on that, as you say, you become much more resilient, and much more confident. And from that place, you have such clarity over what it is you want. And that may not mean everything’s easy, or you know, everything’s does not sort of unicorns and rainbows as it right away. But you are able to, to just deal with whatever you need to deal with in a much more balanced way, much as much less drama, when you’re sober.

Health Benefits of Avoiding Alcohol

While alcohol can make us fall asleep faster, it decreases our quality of REM sleep, and causes us to wake up more frequently throughout the night. Now, I stick to an alcohol-free nighttime routine and wake up fully rested. I have found meditation to quiet my busy mind and, with practice, I am no longer afraid to be still with my thoughts. This has 10 signs that someone you know is using crack regularly gone a long way towards improved sleep. Stockwell’s own research has found a link between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality, which directly contrasts the widely held belief that just a little bit of booze can be beneficial for health. Delve into the reasons behind why more middle-aged professionalsare turning to an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Maintaining a Healthier Diet and Weight

You know, instead of challenging someone or talking to someone, we don’t want it, we want to avoid confrontation alive. And then what happens is, we wake up in the morning, and we turn all those negative emotions on ourselves. We blame ourselves, because we drank because we’re hungover because we’re low. And so, it’s just a cycle, when in actuality, you probably are very justified in feeling the way you do. And usually, it means a boundary needs to be. Yeah, so here’s your opportunity to take a fresh look at that, you know, and when you can kind of accept that all of us have all of these emotions, and they’re all okay.

These were not words I would have used to describe myself when I was drinking. Those gray clouds parted, and one by one all the other areas in my life that had, up until then, been a bit less than joyful started to shine a bit brighter. I came to realize that the more I moved along the gray scale, the more or less colorful other areas of my life became. If my joy was a rainbow, the vibrancy of that rainbow either faded or shone brightly depending on how much I was drinking. A few years ago I decided to take a break from alcohol, and I also decided I would probably be lonely, miserable, and boring for the duration of my break. I always say it’s simple, but it’s not easy.

  1. Delve into the intricacies oftheir discussions, from personal struggles to breakthrough moments,all under the guidance of our dedicated coach.
  2. It’s also infused with sweet lime, tart quince, and real ginger root for a sharp, sophisticated flavor that makes it the perfect swap.
  3. Yeah, and I think keeping a note of all of that’s really important, you know, actually noting down the benefits because can be easy to forget when that journaling, right, like exactly feel in the area.

Contrary to what you may think, going alcohol-free may put some strain on your relationships at first. Depending on how much and how often you’ve been drinking, you’re probably going to be a bit on edge at first and you may have a shorter fuse. In the quest for better mental health, it’s crucial to explore alternative paths that don’t rely on alcohol. Join me as we uncover the benefits and features of these empowering tools, guiding us on a journey toward improved mental well-being. In the journey of life, we all encounter various mental health challenges that can weigh us down. Anxiety, depression, stress, detachment, loneliness, burnout, and overwhelm can cast a shadow over our well-being.

It took me decades of questioning my relationship to alcohol before giving it up completely. I was terrified that a life without alcohol would be boring and deprived. Now, after five years of sobriety, I know this couldn’t be further from the truth. Getting rid of alcohol was the portal to living my best life, the complete opposite of what I was expecting.

Empowering high achievers with virtual coaching and community support for 90 alcohol-free days, with flexibility for moderation afterward. “Being able to drink is a sign you are still healthy, not the cause of being in good health,” Stockwell said. Alcohol depresses your central nervous system.

And you know, it wasn’t until, I mean, there’s always a lightbulb moment isn’t there for people, whatever it is the thing that the catalysts that that you know that that sort of tips everything over the edge. And for me, I knew something had to change I really knew. From get­ting togeth­er with friends or attend­ing a work-relat­ed event, there is often a social com­po­nent asso­ci­at­ed with drink­ing alco­hol.

Over time, alco­hol can also reduce your body’s abil­i­ty to repair itself. As alco­hol intake is reduced, your immune sys­tem will begin to repair itself and strength­en, keep­ing you well. Quitting alcohol and abstaining for several months to a year gives your brain a chance to try to recover. One study found that around 70% of participants had sleep problems when they were admitted for alcohol treatment.

alcohol free lifestyle

So often we’re not, we’re not really wanting to drink at all, we’re just hungry. And so, it’s massive, both physically and emotionally. And when you can kind of get your head around that the importance of it, then you can give it the attention it deserves. And it really does deserve all of your attention. Yeah, so totally agree non-negotiable, it has to be non-negotiable. Great, do whatever other stuff you want to do later.

How can you deal with those things differently in the future? If you find that you’re struggling with cravings and slips, there are medications that can help. With self-help books, social support, and/or therapy, you can also learn different ways to manage the urges with various coping skills. You may be surprised to learn that alcohol is one of the only substances with the potential for life-threatening withdrawal. And many people also don’t realize that you can experience withdrawal symptoms even if you were only drinking a couple of drinks a day, or not even every day.

alcohol free lifestyle

If you are drinking in excess, it’s better to cut your alcohol intake,” said Dasgupta. While many think drinking alcohol before bed will help them nod off and stay asleep, it’s quite the opposite. While alcohol is high in calories, and wine, beer, alcohol and menopause and mixed drinks add sugar to one’s diet, Kumar said that simply cutting it out may not always help you lose weight. Excess alcohol consumption may cause weight gain, which means that cutting out alcohol could lead to weight loss for some people.

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