Product Name: Sagaia buying for Sega Genesis
Shmups Day 47/60 Sagaia for Sega Genesis CASE: Good Condition GAME CART: buying Good Condition BACK ART: Good Condition MANUAL: Good Condition [SEE LAST PIC BACK PAGE] Darius II is set in the inner half of the Solar System, and has the same branching level structure as Darius. Similar to the first Darius game, Darius II was programmed for multiple screens; while a three-screen version like the original exists, Darius II is more commonly and generally represented as a two-screen game. TAGS: SEGA, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Sega 32x, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, 3D Fighter, Retro Fighter, Retro Gamss, Retro Console, Collectors, Collectibles, Collection, Arcade Shooters, Shoot em ups, Shmups, Bullet Hell Shooter, Trance Shooter.