Product Name: 150+ pcs Tattoo Equipment / Accessories buying
These are good for practicing skills / techniques without using / damaging better quality materials 1 - 9x12 inch light up tracing panel (usb port, wire not included) 4- 8x12 practice skin mats sealed in plastic 1 rectangle & 1 curved metal various size ink cup holders 1 bag of assorted size ink cups, 23 pcs total 2 small bags of spare buying parts / tools 3 disposable black plastic tattoo pen parts sealed, 2 opened All sterile, (exp date 2022) 2 grey disposable (all sterile, but expiration date 2020) 3 sealed sterile needles (exp 2022) 5 soft bristle pipe cleaners, (sealed) 1 metal barrel 24 pcs sealed disposable blue / orange plastic machine tips, (exp 2022) 1 thin and 1 large machine foot petal 2-3 various clips & machine wires (spare) Multiple tracing/transfer papers 54 pcs expired tattoo inks (good for practicing on fake skin, etc) 1 small machine (not sure if it works, *I am not charging for this. I am adding it to the bundle for free, and if it works it will be a bonus*.