Product Name: Nikon COOLPIX S6200 Pink buying 16 MP 10X Optical Zoom Digital Camera
1/2.3" CCD 16 MP 10X Optical Zoom 2.7" 230K LCD Still pictures*: Approx. 250 shots *Based on Camera and Imaging Products Association (CIPA) standards for measuring the life of camera batteries. Measured at 23(-/+2)°C (73(-/+4)°F); zoom adjusted with each shot, flash fired with every other shot, image quality set to Normal, image size set to 4608 x 3456 (16M). Battery life may vary depending on shooting interval and length of time menus and images are displayed. Model BrandtNikon SeriestCOOLPIX S Series ModeltCOOLPIX S6200 Details ColortPink TypetCompact Image Sensor Image Sensort1/2.3" CCD Gross Pixelst16.44 MP Effective Pixelst16 MP Resolutiont4608 x 3456 (16M) buying Lens Optical Zoomt10X Digital Zoomt4X Focal Lengtht4.5-45.0mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 25-250 mm lens in 35mm [135] format) Aperturetf/3.2-5.8.