Product Name: Synopsis of the Four Gospels, edited by Kurt Aland buying 10th Ed. German Bible Society
Synopsis of the Four Gospels, published by German Bible Society, 10th Edition, 1993, Biblia-Druck, Stuttgart, Germany. English on one side of page buying, Greek on the other side, so this is a English and Greek synopsis of the Four Gospels published by the conservative German Bible Society in Stuttgart, Germany. The text is very old fashioned Gospel, pre-Vatican 2. Much opprobrium is aimed at “The Jews”'and you can see how over the centuries these readings and teachings led to persecutions of Jesus' people, from inquisitions to Holocaust. This is a rare 361 page German imprint of the Kurt Aland edited synopsis. This is not a rare book when published in America but it is a rare book when published by German Bible Society in English and Greek. There is no dust cover because this book never was made with a dust cover. Unused book from 1993, stored carefully. Mint condition. Blue cloth boards with gold lettering. You probably won't find such a perfect new condition 1993 10th Edition from Germany.