Product Name: Pokemon Card buying Lot/ONLY RARES
I pulled all of these cards myself from their respective packs! These were all pulled from the Silver Tempest Packs, and the Lost Origin packs (besides the M altaria ex) Willing to sell individually just dm me! Dm me if you have any questions regarding any of buying these cards! I am open to offers as well! THESE ARE ALL MINT! Value is around 150 for all of these cards! All the cards included in this bundle are: Fatina (Trainer) Chesnaught V Mawile VSTAR Altaria Full Art Regieleki V Hisuian Arcanine V Regidrago V (Alternate Art) Ho-Oh V x2 Rockruff Full Art Skuntank V Enamorus V Leafy Camo Poncho Flaaffy Full Art Centiskortch V Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR M Altaria EX Kyurem V Zeraora V Pikachu VMAX Secret Kingler V Magnezone V Rayquaza VMAX Secret Unown VSTAR V Guard Energy Alolan Vulpix VSTAR Orbeetle V Passimian Full Art Milotic Full Art Delphox V.