Product Name: TEMP HOLD FOR buying SND
pic 1 marquis faceted w round blue ab Aurora borealis 2.5" $ 20/list price pic 2 bezel buying 3" clear brooch $21/ list price pic 4 Starburst blue 2.5"- 2.75" $14/ list price pic5 silver w blue rectangle 1.75" FR RHINESTONE BRACELET BRAID FR pic 6 dual blue rhinestone brooch 2.25" ans bracelet $38 brooch $22 bracelet $60 total -10 set $50 offer pic 7 regency style vintage vintage 1950s unmarked high end bezel cup round rhinestones necklace and double bracelet w saftly 5$59/list last 2 pics lot of 8 under 2" brooch pin $16/offer n list price $20 blue ab marquis $21 3" bezel $14 Starburst blue $59/ high end bezel set bracelet necklace vtg 114 -15% -17 total list price items $97 plus $50/ offer / dual high end juliana ? brooch w bracelet $145/ offer plus rhinestone bracelet ans pin GIFT $160 /offer w lot of 8.