Product Name: Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter For buying Playstation 1
Capcom on Sony Day 7/7 [end.] Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter for PS1 CASE: Great Condition BACK ART: Great Condition GAME DISC: Great Condition MANUAL: Good Condition Registration Intact TAGS: SONY, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, Playstation, Arcade Games, Retro Console, Retro System, Retro Games, Collection, Collectors, Collectibles, Free Shipping, Marvel vs Capcom, X-men vs Street Fighter, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman *Only MSHvSF Included* The gameplay and aesthetics of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter remain similar to X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Each player selects two characters to compete in a one-on-one tag team fight, attempting to defeat the opposing team. The game replaces buying most of the X-Men cast from the previous installment with characters from other Marvel properties. In addition, it introduces a new gameplay mechanic known as the "Variable Assist", which would be used in future Marvel vs. Capcom titles.