Product Name: Perfect Pullup Rotating Handles Adjustable Pull-Up Bar Exercise Workout buying System
Get better, faster results with the Perfect Pullup. Rotating handles engage more muscles while reducing joint strain. Build your upper body strength even if you can't do a single pullup with the unique metal Swing Arm. Perform Standing Rows and Australian Pullups that help you work your way up to full pullups doing. Great for any fitness level from beginner to advanced. Includes Navy SEAL inspired fitness routines. Fits any door frame from 27" - 36" wide. Easily removed from door frame when not in use. Door can be closed while product is installed. Easy installation in all standard doorways. Includes: pullup bar, 2 swing arms, 2 rotating handles, Perfect Pullup Instructional Chart, and Installation Guide. The Pullup bar and handles support users up to 300 lbs when installed in accordance with our instruction guide. The maximum weight supported will be lower if the door frame is in poor condition or of substandard construction or materials. Open box new never used. buying Feel free to messa.