Product Name: 36 buying Loose Very Scratched Xbox Games
Message me as I accept offers There are 36 individual games (disc only) in this lot. I do not have an original xbox to test but I believe 90% + will work upon resurfacing. However I have sold my machine and can no longer do this. You are purchasing as-is no returns or refunds. If you want individual games only price will be loose game price on gamevaluenow + 15% for fees on here + shipping. Lot price is negotiable. Amped Breakdown Brute Force (delaminated) CoD Finest Hour Crazy Taxi 3 Crimson Skies Dead or Alive 3 Forza Motorsport Half-Life 2 Halo High Rollers Casino Hulk Ultimate Destruction Indiana Jones Emperor's Tomb Star Wars Star Wars II Madden 2005 MLB 2K5 Matrix Path of Neo Mechassault buying Mechassault 2 Lone Wolf Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance MTV Celebrity Deathmatch MX Unleashed NCAA Football 2005 / Top Spin Combo NCAA Football 06 NHL 2002 Pac Man World 2 - Platinum Hits Pirates of the Caribbean Sega GT 2002 / JSRP Combo Sonic Heroes - Platinum Hits +6 more games.