Product Name: Pokemon buying Cards Lot
Conditions vary from LP to near mint. None are heavily played/damaged. Not willing to break up lot for less than 10 cards. ( price depending ) Counted 67 cards total from various years & sets. If I find any leftovers in my bins, they'll be throw in for free but no promises. Major highlights of this group; 1st Edition Omanyte Holo Water Energy Southern Islands Ivysaur Shadowless Seel Shadowless Machoke Fossil Dragonite Holo Stamped Holon Adventurer 1st buying Edition Golem Non Holo Fossil Articuno Holo Empoleon Lapras Holo Kangaskhan Base Squirtle Many cards from Fossil, Base Set, Jungle, EX Crystal Guardians, EX Dragon Frontiers, EX Unseen Forces & Holon Phantoms. Holo Rares, Stamped Cards, E-readers, shadowless & rares I use TCG Player App & other Pokémon TCG websites for pricing. Will ship carefully & protected to keep cards in their current condition Respectful offers for the whole lot will be considered.