Product Name: Grundig Exchangeable buying memory files copy function World Receiver Radio Vintage
2 actual versions of this set were made: The standard version, with buying SW coverage of 1612-30000.9 kHz & LW coverage 150-353.9 kHz, and the "Italia" version with reduced coverage to meet Italian regulations, (SW: 3950-26100.9 kHz, LW 150-302.9 kHz). However, there are several versions "on paper", see the FAQ for details.The general consensus among many who know about world band radios is that, as an all-rounder, this is the best portable ever made. The Sony 2001/D, (2010 in America) has apparently got slightly better sensitivity, and a better synchronous detector, but in all other respects, it is either not quite as good, or simply doesn't have the facilities. The predecessor to this set, the 500, probably vies with the Sony for 2nd place. The US distributors "replacement" model, the Satellit 800 Millennium, didn't have the facilities of this set, and had a so-so reception due to quality control and design problems. It wasn't a real Grundig of course, being designed in America by Lextroni.