Product Name: Siser Glitter Vinyl Bundle buying
Selling my stash of Siser glitter heat transfer vinyl! No longer doing my shirt business. All vinyl was purchased from The Vinyl Spectrum. Lot is heavy on red, silver, aqua, and mermaid blue. Includes: Mermaid blue - 1 roll 12" x 59" 1 roll 12" x 7 feet Silver - 1 roll 12" x 16" 1 roll 12" x 3.5 feet Hot pink - 2 pieces about 10" x 12" each Purple - 3 sheets of 12" x 14" 1 roll of 12" x 3 feet Orange - 3 sheets of 12" x 12" White - 3 sheets buying of 12" x 12" Black - 2 sheets of 12" x 15" 2 pieces of 12" x 8" Dark silver - 1 sheet 12" x 20" and 1 a little shorter Dark blue - 3 scrap pieces 12" x 8-10" each Rosy pink - 1 sheet of 12" x 14" Bronze - 1 sheet of 12" x 14" Aqua - 9 sheets of 12" x 14" 1 sheet of 12" x 10" Red - 1 roll of 12" x 3 feet 10 sheets of 12" x 14" Yellow gold - 1 sheet of 12" x 14" 3 sheets of 12" x 6-10" Misc scrap pieces that are all 12" wide and range from 6" to 10" long in black, red, neon purple, silver, rose gold ****+/- 0.5" on all measurements***.