Product Name: Household buying Bundle
1- 6 pack Scott paper towel 1- (2 - packs Lysol to go wipes ) 2- 37 oz Tide liquid detergent 1- 23 count Tide pods 1- 12 count Tide pods 1- 105 count dryer sheets 1- Lysol All purpose cleaner 1- Lysol Toilet bowl cleaner 1- Lysol bathroom cleaner 1- crest toothpaste 1- Lysol wipes 1- Glad garbage bags 20 count 1- Men's Dove body wash 1- Women's Dove body wash 1- 12 oz Lysol spray 1- Bic Soleil razor 1- Downy fabric softener 1- Downy beads 1- Gillette shaving cream 3- Febreze spray 1- Febreze plug in with case 1-Scott 12 count toilet paper 1- Mens degree deodorant 1- womens degree deodorant 1- Palmolive dish detergent 1- Finish dishwasher detergent 1- finish jet dry 1- Jergens lotion 1- Dial foaming hand soap 1- Nexxus shampoo and conditioner buying 3- oral B toothbrush.